We operate a seven furrow semi-mounted Kverneland plough with no. 28 boards and hydraulic vari width and front furrow adjustment.
This gives us the flexibility to adapt to most conditions and achieve a clean and level finish ready for consolidation and secondary cultivation.

Primary Cultivation
We have a number of implements at our disposal.
A 4 metre grubber for deep ripping through wet areas and initial breakup of ex winter feed paddocks.
We also have a Horsch Terrano primary cultivator which features a combination of mixing discs, cultivating legs, levelling discs and a packer. This machine offers a comprehensive cultivation pass, preparing paddocks after winter feed, for spring cropping and where non inversion primary cultivation is required.
We have a Salford tined cultivator which can be used in a primary cultivation role. This machine is particularly useful when shallow cultivating densely rooted crops such as grass leys.

Secondary Cultivation
We have a 6 metre Lemken Rubin disc cultivator. This machine has a combination of cultivating and mixing discs, levelling paddles and a double press. It can be used in a wide variety of cultivating situations from trash incorporation to final seedbed preparation. This machine is particularly useful in stony conditions where it avoids bringing more stones to the seedbed surface.
The Salford cultivator can be used as an effective machine for seedbed preparation in finer soil conditions particularly when used in conjunction with the trailed Cambridge roller.

Land Levelling
We operate a 6 metre Scimitar land leveller with a trailed 6.3 metre Cambridge roller with breaker rings and levelling paddles. This combination provides the ultimate in level and consolidated seedbed preparation and is ideal for grass reseeding and precision planted crops.

GPS Equipped Fertiliser Spreading
We offer a fertiliser spreading service using a GPS equipped tractor with RTK correction to give accuracy down to 0.02 metres and a 6.5 tonne trailed Bredal fertiliser spreader. Spreading widths up to 28 metres are achievable. We use the latest GPS equipment for proof of placement application and traceability.

Roller Drilling
We operate a GPS controlled air seeder with spreading outlets at 375mm centres to allow complete coverage and even distribution of the seed. The seeder is mounted on our 6.3 metre Cambridge roller to consolidate the seedbed.

Round Baling
We have a McHale V660 variable chamber baler capable of making bales up to 1.6 metres in diameter. The baler is equipped with knives to provide a shorter crop length as an option where required. We also operate a two rotor rake to maximise efficiency and ensure high density bales.